The Campton Gratis neighborhood of Monroe, Georgia is home to many people from various countries and ethnic backgrounds. The majority of people in the neighborhood identify as Irish, French, German, or Scottish. This diversity is reflected in the diversity of the residents. Although the local economy is not quite as thriving as that of the metropolitan area, this neighborhood still offers a variety of opportunities for residents of all nationalities. Read on to learn more about this diverse neighborhood.
Parks and Scenery
While most of the residents of Monroe, Georgia, do not consider Campton / Gratis a “high-quality” neighborhood, it does stand out for being particularly college-friendly. The neighborhood is relatively valuable, above average in terms of safety, and is near a college campus. This proximity may help the neighborhood’s appeal to students, as some of the city’s attractions cater specifically to students. Meanwhile, those looking for a bit of seasonal excitement can get to enjoy the local parks and scenery.
Languages and Diversity
The languages spoken by the residents of the Campton / Gratis neighborhood in Monroe, GA are quite diverse. The majority of these residents are native English speakers, though other languages such as Spanish, French, and Italian are also spoken. Here are some of the most common languages of the Campton / Gratis neighborhood. Also learn more about its diverse population. Below are some interesting facts about this Monroe, GA neighborhood.
Income and Economy
The Campton / Gratis neighborhood is located in the city of Monroe, Georgia. The median real estate price in this neighborhood is $293,233. This makes it much more expensive than the average U.S. neighborhood. Despite this, the average rent is still much lower than the U.S. average of $1,392 per month. This means that the real estate market in this neighborhood should continue to grow.
The median income in Campton Gratis is $31,947, making it one of the lower-income neighborhoods in Monroe. However, compared to the US average of $53,482 per person, the median income in this neighborhood is still well below that figure. However, that doesn’t mean that residents cannot get ahead and afford to live in a low-income neighborhood. The income and economic statistics for this neighborhood are available on the city’s website.
Monroe Southwest neighborhood is another great place to live. The people are friendly and the area is safe. There are plenty of things to do in the area, including shopping, dining, and entertainment. The schools in the area are top-notch, and there is plenty of green space to enjoy. If you’re looking for a great place to call home, Monroe Southwest is the place for you!