Oscarville is a historic and culturally significant neighborhood located in the city of Gainesville, GA. The area is home to a number of notable landmarks and features, including the Oscarville Community Center, which serves as a gathering place for residents and provides a variety of social and recreational programs.
The Oscarville neighborhood is also home to a number of small businesses, including several restaurants, cafes, and shops. The area has a strong sense of community, and residents are active in a variety of civic organizations and initiatives.
One of the best things about the Oscarville neighborhood of Gainesville, GA, is its diverse ethnic mix. Most of the local residents identify as English, Irish, Scottish, or German. While some of the residents do identify as African American, others are of African descent, and still others are a mixture of both. It is a charming community, and travelers will find it easy to enjoy a visit. While there is no definite reason for visiting the Oscarville neighborhood, you may want to consider it as a getaway in itself.
The median home value in Oscarville is $874,978, which is higher than the average U.S. neighborhood and 68.2% of Georgia neighborhoods. In addition, the median rental price in Oscarville is $2,008, which is higher than the average rental price in most neighborhoods in Georgia. There are many places to eat, shop, and play in the Oscarville neighborhood, so you will want to plan ahead and plan your visit accordingly.
The Oscarville neighborhood of Gainesville GA was a thriving Black community before the area was wiped out by the construction of Lake Lanier. Before 1912, the area was home to roughly 1,100 African Americans. These freed people worked in the cotton fields or for white residents in the surrounding neighborhoods. Ultimately, these individuals made a decent living and built schools and small businesses that have remained active in the community.
The Oscarville neighborhood is home to a diverse population with residents of various backgrounds and ethnicities. Most of these people identify as German, English, Irish, Scottish, and Italian. This diversity makes the neighborhood an ideal place for academic education. The average age of Oscarville residents is 45. Many of these residents are employed in the local area, and they often walk to work. The neighborhood is located near a public park.
The Demography of Oscarville is unique among all neighborhoods in Gainesville, GA. It is comprised of a mix of different age groups and races. It is a quiet neighborhood with a high percentage of educated seniors. Most residents identify as European or German. However, this area is also home to a large population of Scottish people. This makes it a more diverse neighborhood than many of the surrounding areas in GA.
The Demography of Oscarville is largely comprised of medium-sized and large homes. Most of these homes were built between 1970 and 1999 and are owner-occupied. Some homes were built in the 2000s, but most were built before that. Because Oscarville is a suburban neighborhood, the demographics reflect this. This means that a large percentage of residents live here full-time and are looking for a place to raise a family.
The community of Cresswind at Lake Lanier is another great neighborhood in Gainesville, it features beautiful lakefront and mountain views, as well as a wide variety of amenities and activities for residents to enjoy. There are over 1,000 homes in Cresswind at Lake Lanier, ranging from single-family homes to villas and apartments. The community also has its own private beach on Lake Lanier, as well as a clubhouse, fitness center, swimming pool, and tennis courts. Residents of Cresswind at Lake Lanier can stay active and social while enjoying the peaceful setting of the community.